Benton Hot Springs Valley
GOAL 27. Preserve the historic, rural and agricultural character of the Benton Hot Springs Valley.
Objective 27.A.
Maintain the character of Benton Hot Springs Valley and provide for compatible land uses.
Policy 27.A.1. Preserve and restore historic features of Benton Hot Springs.
Action 27.A.1.a. Support public use and appreciation of Benton Hot Springs' historic properties, including the establishment of museums and exhibits.
Action 27.A.1.b. Encourage and support, as possible, restoration of historic structures and new construction within the historic town that reinforces and complements the town's historic design and character.
Action 27.A.1.c. Support the landowner's efforts to convert nonconforming structures (i.e., mobile homes and trailers) into structures that fit with the historic town character.
Action 27.A.1.d. Apply the Historic Building Code to Benton Hot Springs’ historic properties rather than the Uniform Building Code. Support and/or approve variances to local, state and federal regulations when such variances are determined to be environmentally sound and safe and are consistent with furthering preservation of historic resources.
Policy 27.A.2. Maintain the open space and rural character of Benton Hot Springs meadow.
Action 27.A.2.a. Encourage grazing and agricultural uses of Benton Hot Springs meadow and irrigated pasture lands, as opposed to intensive development, in order to preserve open-space values.
Action 27.A.2.b. Support conservation practices and activities to enhance and maintain wildlife, livestock, visual, and recreation benefits. If so desired by the landowner, support conservation and visual easements and tax-reduction incentives as affordable means for open-space protection. Determine that farming and ranching activities are appropriate uses and activities within these undeveloped areas.
Action 27.A.2.c. Encourage the clustering of intensive land use and development activities within and adjacent to the historic town to avoid significant encroachment on open-space areas.
Action 27.A.2.d. Support development of additional water sources and ponds to enhance habitat for wildlife and livestock.
Action 27.A.2.e. Support actions to mitigate flood damage potential within and adjacent to the historic town.
Policy 27.A.3. Encourage uses and businesses that support and complement, or do not seriously detract from, Benton Hot Springs' historic, hot springs, agricultural and rural attributes.
Action 27.A.3.a. Support using Benton Hot Springs' historic structures for residential housing and tourism services.
Action 27.A.3.b. Provide visitor services, including gas station, store/market, food, gift shops, museums and exhibits, lodging, and hot springs access, within and adjacent to the historic town.
Action 27.A.3.c. Encourage agricultural activities, such as aquaculture, greenhouse gardening, and field crops, in addition to livestock rearing.
Action 27.A.3.d. Allow for the development of short-term recreational-vehicle facilities and recreation special events in areas adjacent to the historic town and along SR 120.
Action 27.A.3.e. Allow temporary and permanent employee housing clustered with existing development near Benton Paiute Reservation and historic town. New structures built within the town should be designed to be compatible with the historic theme.
Action 27.A.3.f. Encourage Benton Hot Springs to annex into the White Mountain Fire Protection District.
Action 27.A.3.g. Allow small-scale water projects (~100 gallons/minute) that would assist with the financial support, sustainability, and care of the property. Potential projects would include a brewery, drinking water, and geothermal energy. These projects would be in addition to current and planned water uses and water used for agriculture.
Action 27.A.3.h. Support an additional conservation easement to cover the remainder of the property to prevent subdivision and protect historic properties while allowing for the current and planned uses and activities.
Action 27.A.3.i. Adjust land use designation within all areas of the existing conservation easement to reflect easement restrictions on subdivision and development.
Action 27.A.3.j. Encourage economic planning and development that is consistent with preserving Benton Hot Springs values and uses.