Community Development

Mono County Courthouse

Mammoth Office
Monday - Friday:  8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Bridgeport Office*
*Monday 8a.m.- 5:00 p.m.  Tuesday- Friday are by appointments only. Please contact us at 760-924-1800 or

Mono County Community Development Fee Schedule:

Online payments for planning and building permits:

The Mono County Community Development Department (CDD) (consisting of the Planning, Building, and Code Compliance divisions) provides a variety of development services for the unincorporated areas of the county.  The CDD provides staff services for the Planning Commission, Local Transportation Commission (LTC), Land Development Technical Advisory Committee (LDTAC), Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC), Regional Planning Advisory Committees (RPACs), Mono County Collaborative Planning Team (CPT), Long Valley Hydrologic Advisory Committee (LVHAC), and Tri-Valley Groundwater Management District. 

The mission of the CDD is to provide efficient, responsive and innovative public service through teamwork.

In 1999, the CDD was established through a reorganization of the Planning, Building and Code Enforcement departments. The intent was not only to streamline permit processing and enhance customer service, but also to improve cooperation among development permit functions and utilize our personnel more efficiently. The CDD evolved to provide staff resources for transportation planning as well.

As the vision below illustrates, Mono County emphasizes a strong community-based collaborative planning process.


The environmental and economic integrity of Mono County shall be maintained and enhanced through orderly growth, minimizing land use conflicts, supporting local tourist and agricultural based economies, and protecting the scenic, recreational, cultural and natural resources of the area. The small-town atmosphere, rural residential character and associated quality of life will be sustained consistent with community plans. Mono County will collaborate with applicable federal, state, and local entities in pursuing this vision through citizen-based planning and efficient coordinated permit processing.

In implementing this vision, the CDD processes building and planning permits, including subdivision maps, use permits, variances and general plan amendments. In order to streamline and simplify permit processing, Mono County has incorporated its general plan into zoning regulations.

The CDD administers the County's land conservation program (Williamson Act), its Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) program, and the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The CDD also issues construction permits for individual developments that comply with all regulations and permit conditions associated with the property, and maintains an enforcement program to ensure compliance with land use and construction regulations.