Public Charge Guide
California Health and Human Services Agency Public Charge Guide.
Not all immigrants are subject to the new federal policy. Many immigrants are not affected by this new federal policy. It does NOT apply to lawful permanent residents (green card holders) who apply for citizenship, Refugees, Asylees, Special Immigrant Juveniles, certain trafficking victims, certain victims of qualifying criminal activity, or certain victims of domestic violence, among others.
Not all programs are subject to the new federal policy. Public programs used by your children, who are United States citizens, cannot be used against you or another immigrant parent in a public charge determination. If you are only receiving nutrition benefits through the Women, Infants, and Children Program or WIC, you are NOT impacted by this federal policy. If you are only receiving subsidies for health insurance coverage through Covered California, you are NOT impacted by this federal policy. If you are under the age of 21 and only receiving Medi-Cal benefits, you are NOT impacted by this federal policy. If you are a pregnant woman, or within 60 days following the birth of a child, and only receiving Medi-Cal benefits, you are NOT impacted by this federal policy. If you are only covered for emergency medical services as part of Medi-Cal, you are NOT impacted by this federal policy.