Eastern Sierra Area Agency on Aging - Meeting of the Advisory Council
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ESAAA programs are concerned with all matters that relate to the needs of seniors in Inyo and Mono Counties.
The California Department of Aging (CDA) has designated Inyo County as the agency responsible for planning, delivering and admininstering services in Planning and Service Area (PSA) 16, which includes Inyo and Mono Counties. The Inyo County Board of Supervisors governs our Aging programs which are overseen by the Inyo County Health & Human Services Department.
An active group of local community members and advocates from Inyo and Mono Counties, most of which are seniors, make up our Advisory Council. The Advisory Council has been, and continues to be, an essential part of the success of our Aging programs. Members make policy recommendations, and share their knowledge and insight which helps to ensure our services are meeting the needs of our local seniors.
For more information please visit the ESAAA Website.
Our next ESAAA Advisory Council meeting is confirmed for 10 a.m. on Wednesday, February 1 , 2017. It will be held in the Inyo County HHS Conference Room at 920 N. Main Street, Bishop, CA. Video Conference available at Antelope Valley Senior Center, 399 Mule Deer Rd., Walker, CA. If you have any questions feel free to call 760-873-3305
Meeting Information