Tioga Inn In-Person Comment Sign Ups & Clarification of No Repeat Comments
The Mono County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the Tioga Inn Specific Plan Amendment #3 and Final Environmental Impact Report (FSEIR) by webinar and with a physical location where in-person comments can be provided. The public hearing will start at 9:05 am on Monday, June 29, 2020.
The physical meeting location will be at Suite Z (Board Chambers) in the Minaret Village Mall at 437 Old Mammoth Road, Second Floor (above the Vons Pharmacy), Mammoth Lakes, California, 93546.
Pre-registration is required to provide in-person comments. To provide for COVID-19 safety measures, groups of commenters will be assigned to specified time slots to limit the number of people at one time to the physical-distancing capacity of the room.
Sign ups will open at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, June 23, and close on Friday, June 26, at 3:00 pm, at the following website: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=z2nj1RgkTEmEdLN19wUg9ypmDc28IUpBlvrEuewG045UM1FZT1owS0Q1Tk9FUjhUNk1OMEJDVVY2WC4u
Commenters will be notified Friday afternoon of their assigned time slot.
Please see the attached notice for more information. Also, please note that the "no repeat comments" standard intended to effectively manage time has been refined to apply only to verbal comments. Multiple verbal comments by the same individual at the Board’s public hearing will not be accepted, e.g., an in-person comment and webinar comment, or multiple webinar comments. Previous comments and submitted written comments are not considered repeat comments.
Webinar and Teleconference Access Information:
Webinar Information: https://zoom.us/join and enter Meeting ID: 984-7833-3904
Teleconference Information: (669) 900-6833 and enter Webinar ID 984-7833-3904