Sierra High Cannabis Use Permit

 The Sierra High Cannabis Conditional Use Permit Project (the Project) proposes to develop a commercial cannabis operation consisting of cultivation, processing (trimming, packaging, labeling product), distribution, and non-storefront retail sales, and served by an overhead power extension, at 7761 Eastside Lane, Walker (APN 001-150-004). The Project is proposing a ten-acre outdoor grow seasonally, and a 10,500 square-foot indoor commercial operation for year-round cultivation. The property is 124-acres and designated Agriculture. The Project will be located on approximately 15-acres of the property. The project will generate eight full-time employees and up to seven temporary employees for the indoor cultivation operation, and up to eight seasonal employees for outdoor cultivation. No public sales will take place at the premise and the premise will be closed to the public. An Initial Study (IS) prepared determined the project could have potential impacts to the following resources; Biological resources, Cultural Resources, Hydrology/Water Quality, and Tribal Cultural Resources. Mitigation measures are identified in Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) that would reduce all potentially significant impacts to less than significant levels.

Additional documents and comments can be found at the link below.