Apogee Farms Specific Plan and Mitigated Negative Declaration
Apogee Farms, Inc. (Apogee Farms) filed applications for a Mono County (Lead Agency) General Plan Amendment and a Cannabis Facility Project (project). The project requires a General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of two parcels from Rural Residential to Specific Plan, and a Conditional Use Permit to allow for commercial cannabis operations. The project is located approximately 2.5 miles south of Benton and west of United States Route 6 (US 6 or Highway 6).
A Notice of Preparation (NOP) was prepared for the project and was issued May 14, 2021.
A Public Scoping meeting for the proposed Focused Environmental Impact Report took place on June 1, 2021 from 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm. Due to concerns of COVID-19, this meeting was held digital. All members of the public were welcome to attend the meeting.
On Monday, October 3, 2022, the Mono County Planning Commission approved Resolutions R22-01, a resolution of the Mono County Planning Commission recommending certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, including adoption of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and adoption of General Plan Amendment 22-01 changing the land use designation from Rural Residential-40 to Specific Plan, and the Apogee Farm Specific Plan, and make Use Permit findings to allow cannabis operations and overhead utility lines.