Environmental Notices and Fees
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) was passed in 1970 (Public Resources Code Section 21000-21177) to create a statewide policy of environmental protection. CEQA requires state and local agencies within California to follow a process that informs the public of certain environmental impacts. Environmental impact documents, agendas, and notices are filed with the Mono County Clerk. All notices will be posted within 24 hours of receipt by the Mono County Clerk Office (Public Resources Code 21152(c)).
The Mono County Clerk receives CEQA filings and remits CDFW fees to the State of California as required. The Clerk does not file with the State Clearinghouse. Please see the relevant Lead Agency for your project for questions about filing with the State Clearinghouse.
How to file a CEQA document:
CEQA documents can be filed in person, by mail, or electronically. The Mono County Clerk must receive a complete packet and full payment at the time of filing to process the filing. Incomplete packets will be returned to the sender of filer if appearing in person.
To file in person, please visit the Mono County Clerk during office hours:
We highly recommend scheduling an appointment prior to showing up to ensure a shorter wait time.
Mono County Clerk Office hours:
74 N. School Street, Annex 1 Monday - Friday
Bridgeport, CA 93517 9:00am - 4:00pm
To file by mail, please send your complete packet to the Mono County Clerk at:
Mono County Clerk
P.O. Box 237
Bridgeport, CA 93517
To file electronically, please send your complete packet to the Mono County Clerk at:
Email to: clerkrecorder@mono.ca.gov
When submitting your CEQA packet electronically, include for each filing a CEQA filing cover sheet, along with any attachments which could include: Negative Declaration, Environmental Impact Report, Notice of Intent, Notice of Availability or a Notice of Exemption.
Please note, there is a 10 page limit when submitting by email.
Only credit card or pre-existing charge accounts are accepted as a form of payment for electronic filings. All applicable fees must be paid at the time of filing, please provide accurate credit card information to prevent a delay in your filing.
What should be included in the CEQA packet:
- Complete CEQA Document
- Include any attachments you wish to have posted with the Notice. Any attachments brought to the Clerk after initial filing will be subject to an additional processing fee (I.e. an addendum to a NOD filed 2 years ago)
- Clerk's Processing fee - $50 handling fee:
- Charged per CEQA document
- Due at the time of filing
- Exact change preferred
- Accepted Payment Forms - Bills larger than $50 will not be accepted
- Cash
- Check
- Money Order
- Credit Card
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fees:
- Fees established annually by CDFW - current fees located in chart below
- Charged per CEQA document
- Due at the time of filing
- If CDFW fee has already been paid for the subject project, filer must provide proof of payment in addition to the notice.
- Payment of CDFW fee elsewhere does not qualify for exemption from the processing fee.
CEQA Document |
Fees as of January 2025 |
Negative Declaration (ND) | $2,968.75 |
Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) | $2,968.75 |
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) | $4,123.50 |
Environmental Document pursuant to a Certified Regulatory Program (CRP) | $1,401.75 |
County Clerk Processing Fee | $50.00 |
Additional Information:
- Mono County's standard posting period is 30 days, unless otherwise instructed by the filer at the time of filing
- Requests for additional posting days must be in accordance with CEQA filing period regulations
- For more information about the CDFW CEQA process, click here
To schedule an appointment with the Mono County Clerk, please email us at clerkrecorder@mono.ca.gov or call us at (760) 932-5530.