Mono County Housing Program

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“Housing is a wicked challenge” – Janet Dutcher, County Finance Director

In 2016 and 2017 the board hired BBC Research and Consulting to produce a housing needs assessment. That report uncovered that there was a need of about 34 units per year in the unincorporated county and up to another 100 within the town of Mammoth Lakes.

The most conservative estimate shows a need for 184 additional housing units by 2022. The accelerated growth estimate suggests a need for as many as 664 units. The reality will likely be somewhere in the middle and, for the unincorporated county, require approximately 70 housing units to accommodate new housing demand from employment growth. This is in addition to the 50 to 100 units that are needed to address renter’s needs currently

The Mono County Housing Program has the primary objective of ensuring enough units of housing are developed to meet the past, current, and future housing needs as shown by regular housing needs assessments. Producing units for lower- and middle-income households and workers will be given priority where possible.

Mono County has been developing the internal capacity and programs to more aggressively meet those needs, while maintaining the efforts that already underway. Mono County managed several housing programs and initiatives, many of them starting well before 2017, including:

  • Down-payment assistance loans:
    • Utilizing Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership funding through the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development and the California Department of Housing and Community Development. Eighteen of these loans have been utilized to date, helping families purchase a home, when they would not otherwise have been able to transition home ownership.
  • Support for Development and Redevelopment Projects including:
    • 400+ units of development at The Parcel
    • 13 units of new development for The Access Apartments
    • 16 units of acquisition, rehab, and transition from short term rentals to long term rentals at The Innsbruck Lodge
  • Creation of a revolving loan fund that supports the preservation of deed restricted units throughout Mono County, ensuring families that make up the local workforce would have homes and condos available to them for purchase, rather than going to a wealthy second homeowner

More recently Mono County has been working on several more programs and initiatives as part of the development of an overall housing program for the county:

  • A safe parking site to help deal with the immediate housing emergency faced by the local workforce
  • Land purchases for future development of housing
  • A Pilot Bridge Program that will purchase homes and deed restrict them to ensure they remain owned by the families of local workers, and not wealthy second homeowners
  • Purchasing short term rental units and converting them to long term rentals for use as local workforce housing
  • Securing additional funding for down-payment assistance
  • Development of new and innovative housing programs to meet the housing needs of Mono County Residents

Mono County is committed to solving the market failure that has caused the large housing shortage locally, especially for local workforce households.