Here to Help You and Your Family
California Department of Child Support Services:
CORE Mission: Locate Parents; Establish Paternity; Establish Orders; Collect Support
DCSS cares about the families we serve. DCSS is committed to Family-Centered Child Support Services. Child Support serves one in five California children. Family-Centered Child Support Services means providing easy access to resources and information across a range of services that help families be safe and successful.
More information on the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement
Are You Ready to be a Parent?
Becoming a parent is a big responsibility and a life-long commitment. Use these links to learn all you can about what it means to be a parent and where you can get help to be the best parent you can - for your child's sake!
Family Violence Awareness
Every child, parent, and family member deserves to feel safe. If you or a family member do not feel safe or are being abused or are at risk of being abused; these links offer information on where and how you can get help.
Options for Health Care
All children need access to quality health care and medical services; especially regular check-ups and shots to prevent measles, mumps, and other childhood diseases. These links provide various options for making sure your child gets these important services.
- Apply for Medi-Cal
- Taxonomy State Coverage Page |
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program
- CalFresh
Positive Parenting
Studies show that children perform better and are healthier throughout their lives if they live in a home where they are nurtured, where education is valued, and where families are active and involved. These links will give you information on how to provide these important things to your child.
Jobs & Financial Tools
Supporting a family can be a real challenge. This area is to help you find a job or get job training; provides information on tax credits for low income families; provides information on how to get out of child support debt if you qualify for the DCSS Debt Reduction Program; offers ideas on how to manage your money; and provides other services to help you become financially secure.
- Debt Reduction Program - Reduce Your State Owed Child Support Debt
- ACF - Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
- Mono County Jobs
- EDD - Jobs & Training
- Improve Your Chances of Being Hired
- CA Veterans Affairs - Benefits Overview
- CDSS - resources
Fathers Matter
Fathers are such an essential part of a child's life. This information describes the role that Fathers have in a child's success, encourages Fathers to become involved with their child, provides information on how to establish legal paternity for their child, and offers assistance with court-related issues.

Visit: to submit a simplified online application.