Mono County and the Eastside Biomass Project Team evaluated the feasibility of a bioenergy facility using locally available forest waste biomass and local labor, and supporting the regional economy. TSS Consultants was selected as the prime contractor to complete this feasibility study, and concluded sufficient biomass feedstock exists to sustainably supply a thermal-only project. Information about thermal bioenergy is available under the Supporting Documents section of this web page.
The Eastside Biomass Project Team (Project Team) consists of representatives from the Inyo National Forest, Town of Mammoth Lakes, Mammoth Lakes Fire Protection District, Mono County, GC Forest Products, Inc., and the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area. The Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Southern California Edison (SCE) and the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District participate regularly and provide technical guidance. The project is a strategic step toward development of economic uses for forest biomass material generated as a result of forest management and hazardous fuels treatment activities within the central Mono County/Town of Mammoth Lakes area.
Community Objectives:
In developing a biomass power facility in the Mammoth Lakes area, the Project Team hopes to meet the following objectives:
- Beneficially utilize sustainably available forest biomass sourced as a byproduct of forest management/fuels treatment;
- Provide direct economic development benefits including family-wage jobs;
- Protect communities by reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire;
- Protect public health by improving air quality through reduction of air emissions from fuel management burns;
- Support forest health improvement activities and provide a long-term market for material generated as a byproduct of forest health improvement activities; and
- Identify market potential for underutilized forest products, and provide opportunities for existing facilities and additional businesses that can utilize potential heat from the power plant, such as space heating, kiln-dried wood products, greenhouses, etc.
For more information on this feasibility study, register your e-mail on this page to receive updates as they are available. Or, contact Wendy Sugimura, Mono County Community Development Department (760.924.1814,