The Mono County Health Department provides the STD and HIV/AIDS programs listed below. For further information about our services or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Mono County Health Department in Mammoth Lakes at (760) 924-1830. For questions about HIV/AIDS treatment and clinical trials, call the AIDS info hotline at (800) HIV-0440.
Condom Bags
Stop by the Health Department during normal business hours to pick up a free condoms outside the reception desk and educational information!
Education and Prevention
Many youth engage in sexual behaviors that put them at risk for unintended pregnancy and contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. By request, the Health Department organizes free, comprehensive sex educational presentations to help young people understand their sexual risks, access local services, and adopt lifelong attitudes and behaviors that support their health and well being. For more information about adolescent sexual risk behavior click here [1].
HIV/STD Testing
Confidential and free testing for HIV, Hepatitis C, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis are offered at the Mammoth Lakes office, Bridgeport office, and Walker Wellness Center by appointment only. Click here [2] for more information on sexually transmitted diseases, prevention and treatment. To make an appointment, call 760-924-1830.
HIV Surveillance
Federal and state laws require HIV/AIDS case reporting to be conducted by laboratories, local health departments, counseling and testing (C&T) sites and healthcare providers. The Health Department ensures that all local cases of HIV/AIDS are reported to the California Department of Public Health.
Partner notification services: