Birth Records
Our office only has records of births that occurred in Mono County, from 1873 to present.
Death Records
Our office only has records of deaths that occurred in Mono County, from 1876 to present.
Marriage Records
Our office only has records of marriages where the license was issued in Mono County, from 1862 to present.
Corrections to Birth / Death / Marriage Records
Amendments to birth, death and public marriage certificates are processed by the California Department of Public Health. Confidential marriage records are amended through our office if the marriage license was issued in Mono County.
Divorce Records
The Mono County Clerk Recorder's office does not have copies of divorce/dissolution records. If the divorce was finalized in Mono County, please contact the Superior Court [1].
For help requesting vital records for births, deaths and marriages that occurred outside of Mono County, the Los Angeles County Recorder has an Out of County reference page [2] with contact information for other counties and states.
authorized copies
In order to protect personal information, Certified Authorized copies of vital records are only available to specific persons as outlined by California Health and Safety Code Section 103526 [3].
All other individuals may request Certified Informational copies of birth, death, and public marriage records. Certified informational copies will be imprinted with "informational, not a valid document to establish identity" across the face of the copy.
Note: Confidential marriage certificates are only available to the parties to the marriage and cannot be viewed by a third party without a court order.
Authorized Individuals
- The registrant or a parent or legal guardian of the registrant
- A child, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse or domestic partner of the registrant
- An attorney representing the registrant or the registrant's estate, or any person or agency empowered by statute or appointed by a court to act on behalf of the registrant or the registrant estate
- A party entitled to receive the record as a result of a court order, or an attorney or a licensed adoption agency seeking the birth record in order to comply with the requirements of Section 3140 [4] or 7603 [5] of the Family Code
- A member of a law enforcement agency or a representative of another governmental agency, as provided by law, who is conducting official business
Additional Authorized Individuals for Death Certificates
- An individual described in paragraph (1) to (8), inclusive, of subdivision (a) of the Health and Safety Code 7100 [6]. Agent under power of attorney for healthcare, surviving competent adult person respectively in the next degree of kinship, conservator of the person or person's estate.
- Any agent or employee of a funeral establishment who acts within the course and scope of his or her employment and who orders certified copies of a death certificate on behalf of any individual specified in paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivisions (a) of subdivision (a) of Section 7100.