Bridgeport Valley
- There is a significant amount of high-quality agricultural land in the Bridgeport Valley, all of which is privately owned. There is a desire to maintain this land in agricultural uses in order to preserve the scenic qualities of the land. Much of the agricultural land may include wetlands; a wetlands delineation study has been completed for portions of the Valley. There is a need to address potential impacts to surface waters from grazing and irrigation and associated impacts to fisheries and wildlife.
- There is local interest in preserving the small town character of Bridgeport.
- There is an opportunity to enhance the recreational opportunities available at Bridgeport Reservoir and to protect the wetlands and associated natural resources in the surrounding area, including critical bird habitats. These recreational opportunities may include fishing, hunting, kayaking, boating, sailing, and bird watching,
- There is an opportunity to develop and market recreation opportunities in the public lands surrounding Bridgeport.
- There is an interest in protecting the groundwater resource in the Valley.
- There is a need to expand PUD services to accommodate the local and recreational demands of the surrounding area (particularly sewage disposal) ), but the PUD lacks the economy of scale necessary to fund many necessary infrastructure improvements and maintenance.
- There is an interest in maintaining desirable water conditions in Bridgeport Reservoir, the East Walker River and its tributaries (e.g., reservoir level, in-stream flow and water quality).
- Bridgeport has faced a steady decline of population and economic activity in recent years. Many local businesses and local services, including health care and schools, have already closed or are on the brink of closure. There is a critical need to create economic development opportunities in the town to reverse this trend.
- There is an opportunity to create a wayfinding system in Bridgeport that draws attention to the amenities located outside the center of town.
- Bridgeport’s economy was built in part on its status as the Mono County seat, which provided ample employment opportunities and related economic activity. In recent years, many County services, departments, and related employment opportunities and economic activities have shifted to population centers in the southern part of the county. There is a strong interest to preserve Bridgeport’s historic stature, as well as its historic infrastructure, for generations to come.
- Historically, Bridgeport’s primary recreation activity has been fishing. The activity is currently threatened by decreasing stocking activities and invasive species issues. Efforts toward preserving the angling experience are important, but of equal importance is the diversification of recreation opportunities.
- US 395 through Bridgeport does not reflect the small town character as well as it could. There are issues with speeding through town, which many motorists see as a passing opportunity. There is a need to slow motorists as they pass through town to increase safety as well as contribute to economic development in town.
- There is an opportunity to increase development through implementing measures to reduce costs and time associated with permitting, as well as related development impact fees.
- Some of Bridgeport’s residential neighborhoods abut BLM and USFS lands where there is potential for wildfire. There is an opportunity to conduct fuels reduction projects in these areas that would benefit the natural resources while reducing the threat of catastrophic wildfire.
Source URL: https://monocounty.ca.gov/generalplan/bridgeport-valley-0